Skill Introduction

Building trust can look different for those in your organization. Trust is built when employees and leaders engage in effective communication, learning from each other, and even at the chemical level of our beings. Sharing information in a vulnerable way allows us to build a foundational start for any trusting relationship. Two ways to achieve this are through active listening and humble inquiry. Another powerful tool in building trust is creating a psychologically safe environment for your team where they will share more information and be more creative. 

Trust is hard to build and easy to lose. You can practice different ways of building and maintaining trust with your team on a daily basis to be more effective as a leader. In this Skill, you'll learn some helpful practices to build and maintain trust backed by interesting research.

Learning Outcomes

  • Building trusting relationships through communication

  • Active listening and humble inquiry

  • Creating a psychologically safe environment

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Theme: Interpersonal

    • Theme Introduction

  • 2

    Building Trusting Relationships

    • Skill Overview and Learning Objectives

    • Video—Building Trusting Relationships

    • Quiz—Building Trusting Relationships

    • Feedback—Building Trusting Relationships

    • Video—Skill Development: Building Trusting Relationships

    • Quiz—Skill Development: Building Trusting Relationships

    • Feedback—Skill Development: Building Trusting Relationships

    • Video—Fostering Psychological Safety

    • Quiz—Fostering Psychological Safety

    • Feedback—Fostering Psychological Safety

    • Video—Skill Development: Fostering Psychological Safety

    • Quiz—Skill Development: Fostering Psychological Safety

    • Feedback—Skill Development: Fostering Psychological Safety

    • Activities Skill—Building Trusting Relationships

  • 3


    • Conclusion

    • Resources

    • Survey Instructions

    • Feedback Survey

    • Survey Verification

    • Next Steps

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