Skill Introduction

To maximize work engagement, we need to tap into our motivation. Learning the psychology behind what motivates us can help to create more engaged work cultures. 

Our motivation is closely related to purpose: both our individual purpose and the purpose of organizations. Here we will discuss fundamentals about motivation and purpose and help you cultivate your own intrinsic motivation. This, in turn, will help you create opportunities for others to find their motivation.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand why purpose facilitates effective leadership

  • Understand how to motivate the self and others

  • Apply purpose and motivation theories to leadership practice

  • Create new habits to develop purpose and apply motivation techniques

Skill Curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Theme: Self

    • Theme Introduction

    • Video—Knowing Yourself as a Leader

  • 2

    Personal Motivation and Purpose

    • Skill Overview and Learning Objectives

    • Video—Leading with Purpose

    • Video—Research Background: Purpose and Motivation for Leaders

    • Quiz—Research Background: Purpose and Motivation for Leaders

    • Feedback—Research Background: Purpose and Motivation for Leaders

    • Video—Skill Building: Purpose and Motivation for Leaders

    • Quiz—Skill Building: Purpose and Motivation for Leaders

    • Feedback—Skill Building: Purpose and Motivation for Leaders

    • Video—Dr. Gareth Craze: Motivation and Discipline

    • Skill Development—Putting Theory Into Practice: Purpose and Motivation for Leaders

    • Skill Development—Cultivating Your Purpose

    • Skill Development—Job Crafting

  • 3


    • Conclusion

    • Resources

    • Survey Instructions

    • Feedback Survey

    • Survey Verification

    • Next Steps

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