Skill Introduction

Effective teams are all different, but they share a few important characteristics. Teams are most effective when members feel valued, when they feel like they can speak their minds, and when they feel respected. 

Psychologically safe teams exist when any individual can contribute to the discussion by challenging what's going on for the sake of team effectiveness and growth. Diverse teams help us to solve problems more effectively.

Teamwork can sometimes feel like it's out of our control. You can enhance the team experience for everyone by embracing those things that you have control over. 

In this Skill, you'll be exposed to some helpful research and practice on working effectively in teams by cultivating trusting relationships.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define psychological safety

  • Describe the factors that facilitate effectiveness in teamwork

  • Apply the concepts of psychological safety to your own team experience

Skill Curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Theme: Teams

    • Theme Introduction

  • 2

    Fostering Inclusion for Effective Teamwork

    • Skill Overview and Learning Objectives

    • Video—Introduction to Effective Teams

    • Video—Defining Effective Teams

    • Quiz—Effective Teams

    • Feedback—Effective Teams

    • Skill Development—Effective Teams

    • Video—Getting a Good Start with Your New Team

    • Quiz—Getting a Good Start with Your New Team

    • Feedback—Getting a Good Start with Your New Team

    • Skill Development—Getting a Good Start with Your Team

    • Video—Team Norms and Psychological Safety

    • Quiz—Team Norms and Psychological Safety

    • Feedback—Team Norms and Psychological Safety

    • Skill Development—Team Norms and Psychological Safety

    • Video—Diversity as a Resource

    • Quiz—Diversity as a Resource

    • Feedback—Diversity as a Resource

    • Skill Development—Diversity as a Resource

    • Video—Fostering a Culture of Equity and Inclusion

    • Quiz—Fostering a Culture of Equity and Inclusion

    • Feedback—Fostering a Culture of Equity and Inclusion

    • Skill Development—Fostering a Culture of Equity and Inclusion

    • Video—Virtual Teaming

    • Quiz—Virtual Teaming

    • Feedback—Virtual Teaming

    • Skill Development—Virtual Teaming

  • 3


    • Conclusion

    • Resources

    • Survey Instructions

    • Feedback Survey

    • Survey Verification

    • Next Steps

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