Skill Introduction

Today's business challenges require creative thinking so that organizations can innovate and evolve. Leaders can foster creative thinking in their teams by viewing their team members as capable, creating a space open to brainstorming and iterating ideas, and testing out and trying new ways of doing things.  

Tapping into your team's creativity is a skill—one that you can develop by defining creativity at work and empowering others to seek out their creative potential.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define creativity as a skill for the workplace

  • Connect the concept of creativity to decision-making

  • Identify the specific aspects of creative thinking

  • Consider both the individual and situational factors that influence creativity in teams

Skill Curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Theme: Teams

    • Theme Introduction

  • 2

    Motivating Creativity and Innovation

    • Skill Overview and Learning Objectives

    • Video - Introduction to Creativity in Teams

    • Video - Defining Creativity

    • Quiz - Defining Creativity

    • Feedback - Defining Creativity

    • Skill Development - Defining Creativity

    • Video - Creating Space for Creativity

    • Quiz - Creating Space for Creativity

    • Feedback - Creating Space for Creativity

    • Skill Development - Creating Space for Creativity

    • Video - Motivation, Rewards, and Constraints

    • Quiz - Motivation, Rewards, and Constraints

    • Feedback - Motivation, Rewards, and Constraints

    • Skill Development - Motivation, Rewards, and Constraints

    • Video - Building Trusting Relationships for Creativity

    • Quiz - Building Trusting Relationships for Creativity

    • Feedback - Building Trusting Relationships for Creativity

    • Skill Development - Building Trusting Relationships for Creativity

    • Applying What You Have Learned

  • 3


    • Conclusion

    • Resources

    • Survey Instructions

    • Feedback Survey

    • Survey Verification

    • Next Steps

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