Skill Introduction

Power dynamics are present in any group of people, and organizational teams are no exception to this phenomenon. Having an awareness of power dynamics, including who has power, what type of power they have, and who is being influenced by this power, can help us to understand team interactions and behavior.

Leadership inherently comes with power, but not only the type of power you might expect.

For this Skill, you will explore the phenomenon of social power, and how it can be effectively harnessed and used in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define sources of power

  • Understand how increasing network connections influences power

  • Apply power and influence in ethical and effective ways

Skill Curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Theme: Teams

    • Theme Introduction

  • 2

    Navigating Power and Influence

    • Skill Overview and Learning Objectives

    • Video—Introduction to Power in Teams

    • Video—Sources of Power

    • Quiz—Sources of Power

    • Feedback—Sources of Power

    • Skill Development—Sources of Power

    • Video—Networks and Power

    • Quiz—Networks and Power

    • Feedback—Networks and Power

    • Skill Development—Networks and Power

    • Video—Using Power

    • Quiz—Using Power

    • Feedback—Using Power

    • Skill Development—Using Power

    • Applying What You Have Learned

  • 3


    • Power and Influence in Practice

    • Conclusion

    • Resources

    • Survey Instructions

    • Feedback Survey

    • Survey Verification

    • Next Steps

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