Skill Introduction

Teams come together because they can solve problems in ways that individuals cannot. In this Skill, you will be introduced to the concept of problem-solving; defining problems effectively; scoping projects to solve problems; and the role of team meetings in the process of solving problems.

We ask you to think deeply about the problems you're facing and the projects you're working on. Your problem could be a high-level marketing strategy question. It could be a wish to improve your individual productivity. Your "client" may be an external client, an end user or consumer, or someone internal to your organization like a supervisor or colleague. You will explore how to solve work problems more effectively, and you can  then apply the principles to your specific situation. The activities are designed to help you think through this process.

Learning Outcomes

  • Articulate problem definition as a part of team projects

  • Identify a process for defining problems in your work with teams

  • Define project scoping

  • Learn the process of scoping projects

  • Understand the role of meetings in team projects

Skill Curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Theme: Teams

    • Theme Introduction

  • 2

    Team Projects and Problem Solving

    • Skill Overview and Learning Objectives

    • Introduction to Team Projects and Problem-Solving

    • Video—Defining Problems and Projects

    • Quiz—Defining Problems and Projects

    • Feedback—Defining Problems and Projects

    • Skill Development—Problem Definition

    • Video—Scoping a Project for Problem-Solving

    • Quiz—Scoping a Project for Problem-Solving

    • Feedback—Scoping a Project for Problem-Solving

    • Skill Development—Scoping a Project for Problem-Solving

    • Video—Issue Trees and Project Plans

    • Quiz—Issue Trees and Project Plans

    • Feedback—Issue Trees and Project Plans

    • Skill Development—Issue Trees and Project Plans

    • Video—Team Meetings for Effective Project Management

    • Quiz—Team Meetings for Effective Project Management

    • Feedback—Team Meetings for Effective Project Management

    • Skill Development—Team Meetings for Effective Project Management

  • 3


    • Conclusion

    • Resources

    • Survey Instructions

    • Feedback Survey

    • Survey Verification

    • Next Steps

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